N's storyDear all Fleet Bank customers! Be aware of Fleet Bank's nasty methods for reeling in suckers for its nasty Overdraft Fee, a.k.a. the $25 Slap-In-The-Face! Please read the following message below. Message was sent to Fleet Bank by me. Please Spread the Word! "Unless Fleet Bank decides to correct its sly method of reeling in "Overdraft Fee" victims, Fleet Bank's Homelink service will display your 10 most recent transactions for example. Given the ten transactions, let's say the last five transactions during the week were each debits for $10 each. After the ten transactions, Homelink will report a nearly recent balance up to the date. No problem yet. For this example, let's say the current balance after ten transactions is $100. Here's where the problem is. At random points in time, Homelink will suddenly rollback five transactions for example, even if the transactions have gone into the approval state passed the Pending Authorization phase and have a fully featured description. Thus, Homelink will theoretically display an account balance of $150. "Homelink WILL rollback approved pending transactions. Bankers who are unaware of Homelink's deceitful method will be baffled. Bankers will wonder why their balances are suddenly higher. Bankers who are busy and have as much time as a desert has water will be the most likely victims. How are they victims to Fleet Bank's cunning methods? Well, they will assume that since they TRUST Fleet Bank with their money, that they will presume that the current balance is what is stated. Victims are also reeled in via Fleet Bank's customer phoneline where they can dial in to find their balances. So, by assuming their trust into Fleet Bank, if the banker decides to spend $101, at least, they will suffer a case of nasty "Overdraft Fee" flu. "So, either stop the bluffs, or warn customers, yes give them a warning that it is important for them to balance their checkbooks on their OWN since they CANNOT TRUST Fleet Bank, and warn the customers that [neither] Homelink nor can the free phoneline provide an accurate balance at any time. Or you could simply avoid giving warnings, and just supply the real balance without rolling-back transactions like the little thieves you're all trying to be. It's as simple as that. Supply a warning with Homelink and the phoneline service. Please try not to be coy. I don't have patience with armed-bandits."
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