Lake Tekapo, Lake Pukaki, and Aerial Views of Mt. Cook National Park, Canterbury

Here we are at beautiful Lake Tekapo and Lake Pukaki, not far from Mt. Cook National Park. That impossible blue of the lakes is their true color, not a touch-up! They're fed by runoff from the multitude of glaciers in the region; as they move, the glaciers grind up the rock underneath. Then, as they melt, the pulverized rock flows downstream and gets deposited in the lakes. The particles are so fine that they stay suspended in the water, and that "rock flour" is what gives the water that opaque turquoise blue. But when we saw the lakes, all we could think was, "Wow!"

We also took a scenic flight over the national park. It's pretty amazing to fly amongst the glaciers and the towering, snowy peaks! Toward end of our trip, on our way back to Christchurch, we had to fight the compulsion to turn west at the sign for Mt. Cook so that we could see it all again. *sigh*

Mountain range from the airplane
Tara, Derek, & Laurie, and the plane that we rode in on
Derek at Lake Pukaki
Aerial shot of a glacier, I forget which one
Church of the Good Shepherd at Lake Tekapo
Aerial shot of Lake Pukaki
Braided glacial streams
Laurie in the lupins at Lake Tekapo
Mountains and glacial terminal lakes